Providing excellence through experience. par· a· gon | (noun): a model of excellence or perfection.

Aqua Therapy and Water Aerobics

Water is an excellent medium for exercising. The buoyant effect of water helps to negate the gravitational pull allowing patients to move their extremities with greater ease than if exercising out of the water. In addition, the thermal effects of warm water help to increase circulation and flexibility. Water also can provide resistance to motion as the speed of the movement increase. This is very evident when you compare walking across a pool with running across the pool. A third benefit of exercising in water is the decompressive effect on the spine that occurs as a result of increasing external pressure on the trunk. As you immerse your body, the compressive force of the water works like an elastic corset to compress the body. The result is a reduction in pressure on the spine and for many patients, immediate relief of pain.

If you, or someone you know has difficulty with traditional, land-based exercise, aquatic exercise may be an excellent alternative. For more information on aqua therapy or water aerobics, please contact one of the Paragon PT clinics listed below.

Aqua and Pool Therapy

Locations That Offer Aqua Therapy and Water Aerobics

2625 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14216, USA

Paragon PT Group

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